What Is Actually Baking Soda?
This agent is 100% sodium bicarbonate and makes bubbles or gives off carbon dioxide gas when mixed with an acid. This ingredient has been used by many civilizations when making bread and other baking goods that required rising!
This aluminum free ingredient was used as a soap for cleaning purposes by the Egyptians. However, John Dwight and Austin Church began to manufacture baking soda in 1846. This proven medical agent was widely advertised by the 1930s.
Keep Your Health With These 11 Ways of Using Baking Soda
This cheap product has wide range of medical uses, from injuries, minor accidents to different remedies and hygiene products.
Teeth Whitener
Make a mixture between ½ tsp of baking soda and one ripe strawberry. Apply the resulting mixture on your teeth and let it act for 5 min and then rinse it off. This method can be applied no more than 7 days because it can damage the tooth enamel.
Tooth and Gum Paste
Baking soda deodorizes, cleanses polishes the teeth and removes the plaque. Make a mixture between one part of sea salt and 6 parts of baking soda for an extremely effective tooth and gum decay.
This paste can be prepared by using a blender. Apply it on your gums and teeth and let it act for 15 min. rinse it off.
Enhanced Sports Performance
In order to enhance their performance, distance runners often take soda capsules – “soda doping”. However, we would not recommend you try this at home.
It is just an amazing example of this alkali substance that significantly increases the pH of your blood.
Sunburn Remedy
Combine lukewarm water and ½ cup of baking soda to your bath in order to het natural relief. However, do not use a towel when you get out, thus you will get an extra relief.
Splinter Removal
Make a mixture between a small glass of water and a tbsp of baking soda. Soak the affected parts of the body two times a day and the splinters will be gone in just a few days.
Hand Cleanser
Make a natural hand cleanser that will neutralize odors and scrub away dirt by mixing one part of water and three parts of baking soda.
Relaxing Soak
Prepare your powerful spa by adding some apple cider and baking soda to your bath. As a bonus, it also cleans the drain and tub.
Foot Soak and Exfoliator
Put 3 tbsp of baking soda to a tub of some warm water. For additional exfoliation, scrub your feet with a baking soda. The mixture between 1 part of water and 3 parts of soda can be used as an exfoliator for your body and face.
Ulcer Pain, Indigestion and Heartburn
This powerful ingredient relieves ulcer pain, indigestion, heartburn and neutralizes stomach acid immediately.
It is recommended to consume a half glass of water and ½ tsp of baking soda every two hours, BUT not more than 7 tsp in 24 h.
Baking soda can be consumed as occasional treatment, but not chronic one.
Poison Ivy and Insects Bites
You can relieve itching by applying a mixture between baking soda and water. The powder can be also rubbed into the skin. This ingredient neutralizes irritants and toxins and relieves minor skin irritations.
Natural Deodorant
Mix some water and a pinch of baking soda in order to avoid aluminum and parabens found in different antiperspirants and deodorants.
Use Baking Soda As Natural Cleanser
This inexpensive agent can really clean your home. It was used during the restoration of the copper walls of Statute of Liberty in 1986.
- Scrub away grime from the bath and shower by making a paste of same water and baking soda.
- Remove residue and dirt from veggies and fruits by sprinkle this ingredient on them.
- Smother out the flames in case of minor grease fire in the kitchen.
- Use it as natural deodorant for your shoes by sprinkling in it.
- It acts as natural carpet cleaner. You should simply sprinkle it onto the carpets and then let it act for 15 min. in the end, vacuum it up.
- It can help you get your clothes brighter and whiter and it can be used as powerful fabric softener – add a cup of baking soda to your laundry.
- Mix 1 quart of water and 4 tbsp of baking soda to clean your baby toys.
- You can easily clean your barbecue grill and pans by soaking them in warm water and baking soda.
- The mixture between apple cider vinegar and baking soda can be amazing drain cleaner.
- This agent also represents an excellent scrub for your kitchen and bath.