3 Ingredients Smoothie Recipe to Stop Chronic Joint and Knee Pain!

Knee pain can be caused by a number of reasons. Your shoes or your sneakers can sometimes be the cause of the pain.

A friend of mine used to walk in her flip-flops all the time. However, after certain time she complained about pain in her tendon. She felt pressure and soreness. You need to know that walking around with flip-flops is like walking barefoot.

The situation with my friend is just one example. Nevertheless, there are a number of other reasons. People who are overweight also feel pain in their knees. That is a call from your body that you need to lose weight.

Knee pain can be solved in a number of ways and sometimes even surgery is necessary. However, here is s natural recipe for preventing unexplained and unexpected knee pain. The ingredients possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties which strengthen up the ligaments and tendons. These ingredients are filled with bromelain, vitamin C, silicon and magnesium.


  • 7 gr of cinnamon
  • 2 cups of pineapple chunks cut into slices
  • 250 ml or 1 cup of water (250ml)
  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 40 g of honey
  • 40 g of crushed almonds
  • One cup of fresh natural orange juice


  • Put the oatmeal in a pot with boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes
  • Squeeze the pineapple juice into the oatmeal
  • Blend the cinnamon, orange, honey and almonds until they become smooth
  • Put some ice cubes if you like

Another way of preparing this recipe by mixing all of the ingredients in a blender. However, cooked oatmeal is softer. Choose for yourself. Enjoy!