After making this mixture you can store it in a fridge. It is best to mix it in the morning and consume it every morning before breakfast.
You should use natural and good quality of honey, and also it is very important to choose the right type of cinnamon in order to give you the results you desire.
Necessary ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon honey bee
- 1 liter of water
Make a mixture of the cinnamon, honey and the water in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil. Next, filter the liquid into a cup and divide into two half-cup quantities.
How to use this natural beverage
The best time to consume this mixture is half an hour before having breakfast and half an hour before going to bed. In a case you make too much of the recipe, you should not throw it, just store it for the next day. It has to be taken on an empty stomach. This natural beverage cleanses your body, but it also aids you in losing weight without making any changes to your diet.
Helpful Tips
Keep these helpful tips in mind:
According to some experts, you can add raw honey after the water has boiled in order to retain nutrients.
You have to know that you can easily lose three to five pounds within one week without changing anything else within his or her diet. The results are different because of the cinnamon. There are three types of cinnamon available in stores: Ceylon cinnamon, Indonesian cinnamon, and Cassia cinnamon.
You have to know that while Cassia is sold as a cinnamon, it is not actually the same spice and may, therefore, produce different results. Additionally, Cassia should never be used in high doses for long periods.
The mixture of cinnamon powder and honey prevents the accumulation of fat in the body, according to experts. Honey is antioxidant because of phytochemicals, that help to neutralize free radicals.
Cinnamon may influence blood sugar and the way it is processed, giving your body a better chance to break it down in such a way that it does not turn to fat. According to some experts, abdominal weight is more sensitive to cinnamon’s effects than other body weight.