Clean Your Arteries From The Bad Cholesterol and Lose 22 Pounds In 1 Week With This Diet

The most effective diets are actually created by the best nutritionists and health experts. Today we will present you an amazing diet plan created by eminent cardiologist that will help you burn up to 10 kg in just one week.

We all know that every second person suffers from excess fat in the body. Excessive weight is connected with many health issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer.

There is no magic potion that will shrink your waistline. Every person must reduce the intake of calories in order to lose weight.

However the diet should not be severe and must contain the sufficient amount of essential nutrients.

You should consume fruit for breakfast (watermelon, melon, pear, orange and peach), but not bananas and grapes.


Lunch: a cup of yogurt, an orange and one hard boiled egg

Dinner: 2 pieces of rusk, a piece of lettuce of 1/2 cucumber, 2 eggs, 2 deciliters of tomatoes and 2 tomatoes


Lunch: 200 ml of yogurt, a boiled egg, an orange

Dinner: a cup of coffee or tea, an orange, one rusk, a tomato, 125 g of boiled beef


Lunch: cucumber or lettuce, yogurt, an orange, 1 boiled egg

Dinner: a cup of tea or coffee (without sugar, rusk, an orange, 125 g boiled beef


Lunch: a rusk, tomato, 125 g of cow’s cheese

Dinner: a rusk, an apple, 2 tomatoes, 125 g boiled beef


Lunch: a rusk, 1 tomato, 200 g of boiled meat or fish

Dinner: 500 g of boiled peas, carrot or potato

Take a break during the 6th and 7th day and always cook without salt. Try to avoid alcohol and soda during the diet regimen. Continue with the diet on the eighth day.

This diet plan should be repeated 3 times where you will lose about 7 lbs during the first 5 days and 30 lbs at the end of the diet.

You will definitely not return he weight if you consume the following foods in Mondays.

Breakfast: a glass of lemon juice

Lunch: a rusk and apple

Dinner: tomato, a rusk and 1 boiled egg

Do not skip meals, consume enough water and avoid the consumption of fast, fried and processed foods.

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before!