Battling high blood pressure with medicines is the norm. However, besides that, you can also alter your daily diet to include certain foods that will help you to regulate the high blood pressure better. Cucumber and garlic are known for their medicinal properties. But a combination of these two can be a potent ally for your body in fighting high blood pressure. Now the trick here is to combine both these in a salad. At first instant you may not believe that these two are actually combinable. However the result is amazing. The garlic and cucumber combination will not only help in regulating blood pressure but will also bring down the cholesterol levels.
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 cucumber
- Salt
- 2 glasses of water
- 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- Wooden bowl
How to Prepare
Peel the garlic from its white covering. Ensure that it is clean. In a wooden bowl, smash the garlic along with little bit of salt. Add apple cider vinegar to it and make sure you mix it well. Get the cucumber, wash it and cut them into small pieces. Add this to the bowl as well. Add the water and once again mix it well. You can garnish it with mint leaves or coriander leaves.
Your very own healthy salad is ready for eating. Eating this daily will surely help you get the blood pressure under control. Care must be taken to add as little salt as possible as high salt intake can trigger high blood pressure levels.